Thursday, June 9, 2011

We saw 1500 Radnor Township Students in under two weeks!!

Over the past two weeks, Miss Carlson and Miss Abbe roared through Radnor, Ithan and Wayne Elementary schools to promote Summer Reading at Radnor Library! We spoke to more than 1500 students! Thanks to all the schools who hosted us! We had a blast!

During our classroom visits we called on teachers to help us with Readers Theater. Here we are with 5th grade Wayne Elementary School teachers Mrs. Coppola and Mrs. Shuda. Brava to all the teachers on their acting prowess!

While we were at Wayne Elementary we were lucky enough to catch award winning, children's author, and Radnor Township resident Jerry Spinelli speaking to the Mrs. Crowe's 4th grade class. He fielded questions from students about his books, and spoke about the value of failing among other topics.

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