With Color Me Mine (located at 109 W. Lancaster Ave.)
Grades K-5
Thursday, March 8
2:00-3:15 pm
Price: $15/child
*Registration is required in-person, and payment is due upon registration.*
Grades K-5
Thursday, March 8
2:00-3:15 pm
Price: $15/child
*Registration is required in-person, and payment is due upon registration.*
Saturday, March 17
2:00 pm
Funded by Chanticleer and All the Seasons of Green LSTA Grant
Requested donation: $2/person

One Book, Every Young Child
Saturday, March 31
10:30 am
Storytime, games, and crafts for ages 2-5.
Featured Book: Stop Snoring Bernard by Zachariah OHora
Free book for every family!
Let's Bloom Together
with Michael Bedrick
Saturday, April 14
11:00 am Ages 4-6 Flower Pot Painting
2:00 pm Grades 1-5 Composting
10:30 am
Free play for adult and child along with child development experts. For children ages 1-3.
*Registration is limited, beginning April 2.*